Our Services

Our providers work with all ages and genders to help them achieve their best health. Whether you need contraception, reproductive health services, or well-woman visits, Good Neighbor clinics and providers can meet your needs.
Men’s and Women’s Annual Reproductive Wellness Visits
- Physical exams including breast, pelvic, uterine ultrasounds, testicular exams
- Pap smears and follow-up care (colposcopy, LEEP, biopsies)
- Pregnancy testing
- Fertility Counseling (Columbus location only)
Contraceptive Access
- Nexplanon insertion and removal (Columbus and Fremont locations)
- IUD (5, 8, or 10 year)
- Depo-Provera (3 month injection)
- Various doses of Birth Control Pills
- Condoms
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Education and Treatment
Outreach Services – Every Woman Matters
OB appointments can be made at both Columbus and Fremont.
Cost For Services
Costs for services will be determined by a sliding fee discount program based on your income.