Good Neighbor...Our Services are for Everyone
How do I know if I am eligible?
If you have health insurance but no medical provider-
We can help.
If you have inadequate health insurance with a high deductible -
We can help.
If you are covered by Medicaid or Medicare -
We can help.
If you have no health insurance and cannot afford the cost of medical care -
We can help.
Services are for anyone regardless of age or income level. Interpretation for other languages is also available.
- Services are provided on a sliding-fee scale according to your household income.
- No one will be denied services at our clinics based on an inability to pay.
- The base charge for a medical exam at our lowest income level is $35.00.
- The sliding fee scale is based on the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
Call us today to learn how we can help!
In Columbus, call (402) 562-7500. In Fremont, call (402) 721-0951.